






Psalm 34:1-3 “I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.”




网赌最好最大平台’s Worship Collective is a group of students who lead 网赌最好最大平台’s campus in God-glorifying worship chapel services and special events on and off campus. This auditioned group of musicians and 唱ers meet together regularly for prayer, 奖学金, 学习圣经, 生活组, and musical rehearsals as they prepare to honor the Lord and serve their campus community through worship.


除了带领校园敬拜, 网赌最好最大平台敬拜团会去教堂, 会议, 以及其他与网赌最好最大平台 Reach合作举办的活动. If you are interested in scheduling a date for the Worship Collective to come visit your church or be part of your event, 请填写下面的表格.




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九神会敬拜团 members are able to choose from a wide variety of degree programs, 包括圣经和事工, 高级圣经研究, 工商管理, 教师教育, 生物学/在进行职前培训, 咨询心理学, 历史/法律系的, 社会工作, 和护理.

Scholarships are available for qualified students regardless of the student’s major. In order to apply for a Worship Collective scholarship or to join the Worship Collective, students must schedule an in-person audition by contacting Mike Cochran at mecochran@vwv123.com or 606-474-3262

*Virtual auditions are available for students who are under special circumstances*
Worship Collective members have the opportunity to learn from a variety of professional touring musicians, 词曲作者, 崇拜的领导人, 以及其他音乐专业人士. There are also numerous songwriting and recording opportunities.

九神会敬拜团’s debut 唱le released March 1, 2024 and recorded/mixed by Steve Hoffman at 网赌最好最大平台’s Upper Level Recording studio. 在这里观看音乐视频.


“Being a part of the Worship Collective has taught me the true meaning of worship. How worship is everything we do every 唱le day. God deserves all of our praise because He is so good. The thing I love most about Collective is the people I get to worship Jesus with. I am so thankful for the friendships and memories I have made with the Collective family.——网赌最好最大平台校友alyssa Howie

“Worship collective has helped me see what leading worship is truly about while also educating me on the many components that make a worshipful environment happen. I have been apart of Collective for 3 years now and every year has been so fulfilling. I have had the opportunity to make incredible friendships that now feel like family.  我现在是一名兼职的敬拜牧师, and I constantly use the things that collective has taught me at the church where I serve. Collective truly has been crucial to my faith and ministerial development and I couldn’t be more thankful to be apart of this family ministry“    – Cade Seckman, 初级圣经及事工专业

“Collective has taught me what true worship looks like. 我做崇拜领袖已经有一段时间了, and it wasn’t until I stared at 网赌最好最大平台 that I learned what being a worship leader actually meant. I have learned humility and that a good leader is a servant first. I’m so thankful for Collective,  because without it, I wouldn’t be who I am today. The best part about Collective is that it’s a family and we get to laugh, 唱, 每天一起祷告和敬拜. 这是我的最爱.——网赌最好最大平台校友caroline Berry

“The 九神会敬拜团 has played a vital role in my life while a student a 网赌最好最大平台. I learned how to lead worship that is effective, as well as, honoring to God. Most importantly, I have strengthened so much in my relationship with Christ. The community in the Collective encouraged spiritual formation within me and pushed me to be more like Christ every day. I will forever cherish the time that I have been apart of the Worship Collective.——霍普·罗比内特,护理专业

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